
New Erotic Fiction from J. Ollie Manoeuvre

Hi all,

LJMcD Communications is proud to present the first erotic story of 2023 from my good friend J. Ollie Manoeuvre.

Jail Birds is a heavy piece of queer smut, and if you’re in the mood, I highly recommend it. Manoeuvre may be an erotic artist, but her way with words is truly exceptional (which is why she’s such a staple in the LJMcD roster).

You can get a copy of the book here


Diaries 2022

Hi all,

My diaries for the end of 2022 have just been released as a full colour volume to read and cherish. You’ll get a wealth of abstract musings as well as titbits of writing, a behind the scenes look at the artistic process, daily photographs and other images, and a day to day view of what life is like in the creative world of McDougall.

This will be the first in a series of diaries I will be releasing and is a good place to get to know me both for fans and newcomers to my work.

You can get a copy of the book here

Happy hunting folks!

Book Review

Review: ‘Queer’ by William S Burroughs

Written not long after Junky but not published until 1985, Queer is a harrowing look at unreciprocated homosexual infatuation, drug use, and bohemian life. Beautifully written in a sparse, spare style, the book drags the reader on through dirty streets and cheap hotel rooms bringing up visions of death and dismay.

Very important in understanding Burroughs’ later work, Queer sows the seeds of his later abstractions and surreality. At times oscillating between a stark realism and dreamlike flights of fancy, the nature of reality is drawn into question and all of the rules of literature are dashed against the wall.

I loved this book. It’s no secret that I’m a huge Burroughs fan, but this one is a cut even above the rest. There is something both tragic and beautiful, ugly and magical, and it pushes the reader on into realms of delight. It is also well worth it to find a copy that contains Burroughs’ original introduction to the 1985 text. Here we learn about his perceived possession by the Ugly Spirit and he deals with the death of his wife Joan Vollmer in a way that he usually shies away from. Puts a lot of things in very important context.

Summary: this is a brilliant book and you should get a copy and read it immediately.

Book Review

Review: ‘The Finger’ by William S Burroughs

A nice little collection culled from the Interzone routines, this book is a straightforward affair laced with an acidic humour. There is a soft feeling here that eats to the bone and lets off a gentle stink of emotional atmosphere.

An easy Burroughs book, these routines don’t go into the more experimental accents that later work assumes, but there is still a forceful sense of language from a very talented writer. The tone is dead and flat but not without feeling and humour, a blank poker face of a book.

Personally, I like the wilder work and think that Penguin could have rustled up something a bit weirder for their modern collection, but the book as it stands is still worth the read. You’ll get a good taste and want to come back for more. And it really is only a taste.

Summary: not the most engaging Burroughs book but still worth a look in. You’ll find something to enjoy even if the collection leaves you wanting something a little meatier.

Book Review

Review: ‘The Western Lands’ by William S Burroughs

Third in the ‘Dead Night’ trilogy, this book follows the same formula of rambling fragments tied together with a loose sort of thread. Part hazy remembrance, part Egyptian mythology this one might be the best and most cohesive of the three books.

Once again Burroughs’ skill with language shines through making this a delight to read. Even when you are lost, the words paint such a definite picture that you feel you must be somewhere heading in the right direction. Cold and ugly this book also has its moments of love and tenderness—usually reserved for the author’s cats. I think too, this book might serve well for the uninitiated in Burroughs’ style. You can really get to know the work and it doesn’t ask too much of our gentle reader.

In summary, a brilliant end to a glittering trilogy of novels. Perhaps the best and brightest. Well worth the read if you are so inclined and I hope you are.


Christmas 2022: A Retrospective

Hi all,

My book of Christmas themed stories and poems is here just in time for the festive season!

Anarchists, agents, cut-ups, and more, this small collection is sure to put you in the Christmas spirit McDougall style.

Buy a copy here

Free pdfs


Hi all,

I’ve just completed the first mail-out of my brand new pamphlet MRMARTINMRJOHNNYYNSHE. If you’re on my mailing list, look out for a copy in your mailbox.

There’s still time to get a (free) print copy for those interested. Just email with your details and I’ll have a copy of the pamphlet sent out to you ASAP.

In the meantime, I’ve made the decision to upload the pamphlet as a pdf for your reading pleasure. Please see below

This goes back on my original plan to keep this one off the website. This pamphlet is made up of material that is set to come out across a few books in the future, so originally I wanted to keep an air of mystery. On second thoughts, however, is rather the work be read.

Anyway, download, have a read and let me know what you think!

Lachlan J McDougall

Book Review

Review: ‘Miracle of the Rose’ by Jean Genet

A stark and difficult account of life in prison from a man who loved ugliness, prisons and crime. A love letter to degredation and the beauty one finds there. This is a book of flowering prose that blossoms up like the golden sun and of shades of darkness and ugliness that sully everything they touch.

Partially a recounting of his time in prison following the sentencing to death of the murderer Harcamone, partially a memorial reverie into a childhood of hardship, this book is a queer revelation at a time where that was on the edge of reason. Nothing is held back, everything is on the table and Genet does not shy away from any topic.

The prose is at times very beauriful, if dense and difficult to navigate. There is a sweeping feeling like memory or a dream. And like a fever dream the images well up and bloom into black flowers of death and blood. This is not a book for the faint of heart, but neither is it a book for the cheap thrill seeker. This is a book of beauty and love for and despite decadence and ugliness. Ever scar, every smell, every rough treatment weaves its way into Genet’s tapestry of excremental beauty.

I enjoyed this book, for what it’s worth, but I don’t think it’s something I’d return to. The flowery prose gets a tad much and the product is at times difficult to digest. Keen to read more Genet and see what else this dirty bugger has to offer.

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New Free Pamphlet

Hi all,

I’m just about ready to release a new pamphlet of recent writings out to my mailing network.

The pamphlet, titled MRMARTINMRJOHNNYYNSHE, is a collection of short pieces dealing with a piece of my personal mythology that crops up across a lot of my writing. Mr Martin Mr also taking the face of Mr Johnny Ynshe alias the Architecture Kid is an interplanetary force for mischief and despair. Delve into the world of Mr Martin Mr Johnny Ynshe and find out what nefarious deeds they have planned for this Podunk planet.

At current time I have no plans to upload a pdf of this pamphlet as it contains pieces from books that are yet to be published. Right now it’s just a special treat for those fans who’ve reached out and made their way onto my mailing list. This may change in the future, but for now that’s where things stand.

If you want in on the action and would like a copy of MRMARTINMRJOHNNYYNSHE, please don’t hesitate to reach out to with your postal details. I’m happy to send anywhere in the world. In addition to this pamphlet, you’ll also get exclusive access to handmade chapbooks and zines that I produce from time to time as well as various other mail art shenanigans.

In summary, share the art! Get in touch and get exclusive content!

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Blue Flute free pdf

I have also uploaded my second book Blue Flute: Stories and Artwork as a free pdf. Check out the download below.

And as always, please buy a book if you have the money and like what you read. It’s not much, but every little penny helps people like me to keep writing.

Buy a copy of Blue Flute here